Monday, 3 February 2014

Repressive discourse strategy

Repressive discourse: subtle linguistic strategies to exert power in a text.
Text: Tea time online advert for a charity event

The text included many repressive discourse strategies for example:
  •  Jargon- an example from the text was 'Christian aid' this helped the audience understand what the charity were trying to organise and plan the event, it made the online advert more specific with the information given.
  • Synthetic personalisation- in the text it included 'you' and 'your' this helped include the audience and made them feel like they were involved in the text.
  • Mitigated imperatives 'you can download'
  • abstract nouns 'commitment' 'passion' 'opportunity'
Examples of oppressive discourse:

  • Imperatives from the text were ' Download free resources right now' and 'complete our online registration form or call' 'order your free event pack now' this instantly makes the text more commanding and the audience can tell they are being spoken to from someone who has power.
 Features that are included into both Repressive and Oppressive discourse:
  • Collective pro nouns 'us' 'we' 'were' 'we'd'
  • Synthetic personalisation 'you'
  • subject specifics and Jargon 'Christian aid' 'region' 'poverty'