Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Language Change- David crystal The effect of new technologies on english

In the video clip is it David Crystal, talking about how new technologies have an effect on English today. There are new varieties of English, such as newspapers, then the development of the telephone people thought that the telephone was going to the a disaster as they didn't think people were going to communicate face to face anymore. Broadcasting has introduced a new variety of language such as commentaries in sport, and news reading, weather, and chat shows. The Internet is also having a big influence on the language people use today. Social networking plays a huge part in today's language an example is Twitter, it first started in 2006 David talks about how the social networking site, showed a prompt for users to use saying 'what are you doing' its is very introvert, people using the site started using many first person pronouns, present tenses. Then in 2009 twitter then changed his prompt to 'what' happening?' there is a sudden change in pronouns, there is a third person pronoun being used. He suggests that it would take a long time before the different types of technologies would influence people's language. David believes that English language is still the same as it used to be, there are only new abbreviations that have come into peoples language such as 'lol' but this hasn't had a huge impact on peoples language. The average number of people that use abreviations is only 10% not having a huge impact on peoples lexical choice,  and the other 90% of the language we use is standard english.

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